Court of Honour
The Court of Honour is literally the Best in Show shown together. This includes :
Best Container - the best five blooms selected from the winners of each Five Bloom section. Prize $50
Best Vase of Three - the best three blooms selected from the winners of each Three Bloom section including the Best Vase from the winning English Class entry. Prize $50
Glen Hamilton Award - awarded to the best BB bloom Exhibit in Show. It is selected from the following entries: Open, Intermediate, Novice, Special Classes- single, triple and five bloom entries if applicable.
Duchess - awarded to the best single bloom exhibit in the Show. It is selected from the winning entries from “all other types” from all levels of exhibition. Prize $50
Duke - awarded to the best single exhibit in the show. It is selected from the winning entries from the following classes: all miniatures, pompom, stellar, waterlily from all levels of exhibition. Prize $50
Queen - awarded to the best single exhibit in the show. It is selected from the winning entries from ball, single B and BB from all levels of exhibition. Prize $50
King - awarded to the best single exhibit in the show. It is selected from the winning entries from single A and AA from all levels of exhibition. Prize $50
Lightheart Medal - awarded to the King and Queen. This medal was designed by former member Erich Barth who was awarded the very first medal for outstanding contributions to the HDCDS. Presentation was at the 1995 American Dahlia Society National Show held in Hamilton: the first time ever in Canada.
Best Intermediate Single Bloom - awarded to the best single in the intermediate class from AA,A,B,BB. Prize $50
Best Novice Single Bloom - awarded the the best single in the novice class. Prize $50
Best Chrysanthemum Single Bloom Prize $25
Best Chrysanthemum Three Blooms Prize $25
Best Chrysanthemum Five Blooms Prize $25
Tri-colour ribbons are also presented to the winners.
Best Exhibit ribbons are also presented to the winning entry in the Intermediate and Novice section of the show.